22 June 2019

All You Need Is Positivity

Girlfriends - All You Need Is Positivity by Maggie May
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Before you ask, no, I didn't see the Spice Girls live on tour and yes, I am upset about it.

Having gone to see Hugh Jackman a couple of weeks ago on his international tour {he was uh-mazing}, and what with tickets booked to see Westlife this month, I couldn't really justify a third music concert... So I'll have to make do with blaring out the Spice Girls Greatest Hits album whilst doing the washing up instead!

Their lyrics however have rung true with me this week {for those of you who aren't au fait with the 90's hit Spice Up Your Life, the words are: "When you're feeling sad and low; we will take you where you gotta go; smiling, dancing, everything is free; all you need is positivity" - hence the post title}.

12 June 2019

Pinterest Board of the Month {June} - Country Life

Maggie May Pinterest Board of the Month {June} - Country Life
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June's Pinterest Board of the Month is one of my absolute favourites.

It sums up what I'm about, where I'm from, and what I hope to share glimpses of on the blog and on my social media feeds - country life.

4 June 2019

iPhone Makeover

Maggie May iPhone Makeover
This post contains affiliate links*. Full disclosure statement available here.

A few years ago I stumbled across a post on Becky's blog {Milk Bubble Tea}. It was a very simple post, but I really liked it - it was a selection of wallpapers for iPhones.

I know it sounds a bit strange, but if you spend just a few minutes on Pinterest having typed in 'iPhone wallpapers' you will discover that there is a multitude of designs and artworks out there which will give your Home screen - and phone - a new lease of life.

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